Brady James Forrest is a cultural theorist, teacher, and writer originally from Southern California who currently resides just outside of Washington D.C. They received his B.A. in Global Studies from the University of California, Santa Barbara (2013). He received his M.A.s in American Studies (2016) and English (2021) from the George Washington University where they is currently an Ph.D. Candidate completing a dissertation entitled “A Sensuous Melancholia.” The project focuses on minoritarian performance across a range of genre and form to locate melancholia as a structure of feeling ready to emerge. Broadly, their work is primarily focused on twentieth and twenty-first century American literature and culture with research and teaching interests in Crip/Queer theory, Black Study, performance studies, and visual culture.



Publications and Projects

Education and Teaching

A mirror selfie of Brady who has brown hair, a grey jacket, and a blue button down shirt. In the background are shiny metal bathroom stall doors.